Friday, April 16, 2010

Country Light

"Country Light"....

Country Light, Decor Light, Primitive Light can definitely be a great challenge that will delight you beyond belief when you find that perfect fit!
Mood enhancing? You bet! Not only beautiful, cozy, homespun, happy home & comforting...
but economical too!
If you have dimmer switches with your lighting you know how the "wood enhancing dim down" also cuts down on power, hence cost... not to mention how beautiful it is.
The fun & special effects you can achieve with just the touch of a finger on your mood lighting button are extroardinary... all because of the priceless little energy saving soft special silicone dipped light bulbs that look like candle light without the flame!
Your Country Light, Decor Light & Primitive Light Decor can be handled in multiples ways just beautifully with Silicone Lights... Your lighting bill will be saved & your home will be a cozy & warm atmosphere with beautiful decor light!

We all need the big lighting... lots of it at times... however, the beauty (& blessing) of silicone dipped light bulbs also reinforces the old adage of "Less is More"... Whether these bulbs are for candelabras in the window or for your dimmer switch set chandeliers.... the same will hold true. They are gorgeous country light, decor light &/or primitive light for your home that will bring you hours of joy & save money on your lighting bill!
Save $ on Silicone Dipped Light Bulbs by following the link below... Discount boxes of 12 from Wild Horse Boutique... on sale at Amazon.

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